Friday, November 2, 2012


Lorenzo really loves boots. A lot. He has white ones, that he has recently been referring to as his Speed Racer boots. He has a pair of goloshes which he lovingly adorns when he wants to be Woody. When he goes to visit Grandma Julie and Grandpa Brad he likes to wear his "other one boots" so that when he gets there he can match them (they have cowboy/girl boots and he takes them upstairs to change their shoes if they don't have thier boots on when he gets there). He brings me my brown boots sometimes and asks me to wear them. And when we go anyplace, we put on our boots. But recently he found these up in my closet and decided to have a go with "Mama's big boots" (they have a heal), I lovingly call these my superhero boots. (I guess he had to get his love of boots from somewhere...) :D

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